You can participate in Girl Scouts independently as a Juliette, also known as an Individually Registered Member (IRM). Juliettes are named after our founder, Juliette Gordon Low. They choose how to participate based on their schedule and interests with the support of a caring adult.
Joining as a Juliette is great for Girl Scouts without a troop available nearby, for those who value independence, or who want to enjoy Girl Scout programming with their family. They can get started right away by earning badges independently or attending events to meet other Girl Scouts in their area.
Ready to join? Start your registration process in myGS, the Girl Scout membership platform. Select "FIND A TROOP," and enter your zip code. Scroll to the bottom of the search results and click the linked text "Join without a Troop" to join as a Juliette.
Juliette Resources
Juliette Girl Scouts receive support
in a variety of ways. Check out the ways our council supports Juliettes and then
download your copy of GSU’s Juliette Family Guide (PDF) for free today. This
curated guide to Girl Scouts was created for new and seasoned Juliette
families alike.
You can also volunteer with Juliettes.
Going solo as a Juliette doesn’t mean you’re alone. In addition to the support of your family, you’ll have a dedicated council staff member as well as Regional Juliette Representatives who provide mentorship and additional support on a variety of Girl Scout topics.
Juliette caregivers are invited to join the private GSU Juliette Facebook group where you can connect with other Juliette families and find announcements shared in between monthly newsletters. The monthly newsletter is exclusive to Juliettes and complements the S’more News edition for Girl Scouts and their families with activities and events just for Juliettes.
Any interested adult is welcome to volunteer as a Regional Juliette Representative. Also called Juliette Reps, Regional Juliette Representatives work with council staff and service unit volunteers to connect Juliettes to local Girl Scout activities near them and provide general support.
The area served by each rep varies by location but usually covers 3-5 service units or smaller geographic areas of Girl Scouts. This position can be done remotely or a combination of in-person and remote. Juliettes Reps must be a Girl Scouts of Utah member, complete a background check, and take Youth Protection training.
For questions about Juliettes or becoming a Juliette Rep, or to contact our council staff member for Juliettes, please email